Dental care, Dental Insurance for Dentures.
Dental care, Dental Insurance for Dentures. If you are going to have teeth pulled and dentures put in here is some advise to finding dental insurance to help you control your cost. Make sure you buy dental insurance before having any dental work is started.
DO NOT start pulling out teeth prior to having dental insurance since many dental insurance plans have missing teeth clauses. A missing tooth clause is such that the dental insurance company will not cover for denture, partial or bridges if the tooth was missing prior to the plan effective date.
You also want to make sure you know if the dental plan you are buying has any yearly max dollar limitations and if so, what that dollar amount is. ( in some dental insurance plans for seniors, they will have a separate annul max limitation on major dental services.) Beware of this and know what that limitation is. Having teeth pulled and getting dentures can be costly. You can quickly max out your yearly limitation if you are not careful.
On our website we offer dental insurance as well as a dental discount plans. Dental discount plans do not have as many restrictions and can be a good alternative to helping you save money on the cost of dentures. Please call our member service line at 310-534-3444 M-F 8-5 CA time if you have any questions about the dental plans we have to offer.